Simple Strategies for a Soul-Fulfilling Approach to Work

If your job leaves you feeling exhausted, crabby, and powerless From Burnout to Purpose is a must-read for reviving yourself on a soul level.
Author and Certified Career Coach Gina Calvano offers a new perspective on why you feel disconnected from your work, burned out by your job, and how to replenish your energy and power. She delivers fresh insights with accessible ideas for healing from job burnout and getting onto the path of purpose. You’ll discover:
- How to recognize if you are on the slippery slope to burnout or if you are already burned out and don’t know it
- How to work primarily from energy versus effort— discover a new approach to work, one that is soul-fulfilling
- A simple four-step process for restoring your well-being— learn the The OPEN Method™
- Fresh insights with accessible ideas for shifting exhaustion to vigor, cynicism to civility, and powerlessness to restored personal power
It’s time to change the way you take care of yourself during times of stress, get yourself on track for fulfillment, and make a meaningful difference in the world. From Burnout to Purpose will show you how— even at the job that’s draining you!

Critical Acclaim from Transformational Thinkers
From Burnout to Purpose offers a unique view of what’s common among those who do well, are happy and fulfilled by their work, and what’s common among those who experience the exact opposite. If you struggle in a job that’s draining your energy and spirit, or if you feel like you’re destined for burnout, this book will open you to certainty of your ability to pivot to purpose.
I recommend From Burnout to Purpose, for anyone who wants to learn how to achieve a sense of purpose and fulfillment—especially while working for someone else. That’s typically talked about only in entrepreneurship.
Do you wonder “How on Earth did I get so burned out? How did this happen … to ME?!” This book has unique answers to that question and offers you a path back to power, purpose, and peace for your work.
Gina shares her personal burnout experience in the introduction chapter in From Burnout to Purpose — read or listen to it here:
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Workbook and Companion Resources
Capture your journey from the Path to Burnout to the Path of Purpose!

Having the From Burnout to Purpose Workbook handy while you read the book and practice its concepts makes shifting from a path to burnout to the path of purpose easier, faster, and more personally meaningful and enjoyable for you!
Having the From Burnout to Purpose Workbook handy while you read the book and practice its concepts makes shifting from a path to burnout to the path of purpose easier, faster, and more personally meaningful and enjoyable for you!
- A chapter-by-chapter recap of the key concepts. No time to re-read the book? No problem! Each chapter offers a Take Note section that recaps the key concepts from each chapter of the book From Burnout to Purpose. Reviewing the key concepts is a way to help you more easily absorb and apply what you learned and to refresh your memory of the key concepts.
- Take Action exercises that offer a chance to reflect more deeply on the key concepts from the book and inspire action that feels right for you personally.
- A record of your personal journey from burnout to purpose. It’s like a diary or journal that you can look back on to remember your triggers, strategies for care, and successes. See your growth as you revisit the work and progress in your career!
Companion Resources includes:
- Wallpapers for your phone or computer
- One page worksheet for The OPEN Method™
- Chakra Table
- Book Graphics
- List of Resources

If you used to be happy with your work, but now you’re feeling burned out or questioning if you’re on the right path, this book can show how you may have taken a wrong turn. From Burnout to Purpose offers powerful solutions for getting back on track to loving your work.
#1 New York Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
What if everything you learned about achieving career happiness and success was missing a key ingredient? This book takes the concepts of self-care, well-being, and connecting with a sense of purpose to a new level. It’s an accessible approach for taking your power back, aligning with fulfillment, and recovering from feeling depleted at the deepest level.
co-author of the New York Times bestsellers The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches